Saturday, December 8, 2012

Haiti Hippo !?!

OK not really but you'll need to forgive me as I just spent most of the day cleaning. If those tiny, little dust globs rarely seen in my mom's house equal a dust bunny then today we evicted a herd of dust hippos.

Yesterday Cory and the kids arrived at the Ortlip Center 2 hours later than they planned after loading the truck and dealing with the masses of vehicle traffic one finds in Port-au-Prince in December.

We visited a bit with the folks still present and Dan before eating a few sandwiches and heading North. Overall the trip went great and despite some areas of the roads being worse following the severe storms since Cory's last road trip in September we made it just under 5 hours.

Tired we still managed to clean for an hour last night. Today we unpacked a few bags but mostly concentrated on cleaning the house-dusting, laundry [thankful for sunshine!] sweeping, mopping, washing dishes. With the humidity things tend to mold like all my pot holders!

 Cory visited the local market and received many warm greetings from the sellers and church ladies. He picked up some fresh veggies and other foods. Next week he plans to travel to Cap to pick up close to 3 months of mail, more supplies and visit the bank.

Anna managed to save enough energy to put up our Christmas decorations. So with favorite Christmas music and traditional decorations it does feel a bit like Christmas but not like it did the end of November when we celebrated in cold Michigan with our families.

All of us visited Jean Pierre who returned from a short hospitalization last night. Ibuprofen to treat the pain from a abscess either caused or aggravated a stomach ulcer. In addition to prayer we shared with him Moringa powder, Artemisia powder and a large leave of Aloe babatiensis.

We went to bed last night at 8 p.m. and I doubt that we will make it much past that tonight. Good to be home. Good to be in a clean home. Good to see friends and catch up on news. Good to look forward to a day of rest to focus again on our Lord and Savior who blesses us daily with uncountable blessings.


Missus Wookie said...

Here they're called Dust Rhinos (as they charge across the plains....) but Hippos are much more alliteration :)

Glad you are home, the house is clean and the decorations up. Enjoy some time pottering around and settling in.

The Bronkema Family... said...

Mine are dog hair "Rhinos" these days. I was tempted to take a pic of the one I found by the piano corner yesterday...I think it might have been a whole puppy!