Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Middle of the week already as the sunsets and air starts to cool.

Sunday we enjoyed a slow day to focus on the Lord and rest up a bit.

Monday Eli and Anna start up the school year again sorting out what we already finished for the first week of school and what remained to be accomplished. So far the school days continue to go well with a small book order heading our way [the list was forgotten when we were in the USA] and on-line math course being paid for today [YEAH for a 2-1 deal that cut the cost in half!]

We talked with our French teacher on Monday and instead of starting up and then stopping for the holidays we will study and review on our own until the second week in January. But we did not leave him without a job as we have asked him to polish up the first Creole health book for us in preparation to reprint. I do not know to cry or celebrate that he found 2 major errors on the first page!

Baggage now mostly unpacked and stored. Lots of laundry as many items we left behind smelled badly or actually molded in our absence. Thankfully the last three days the sunny mornings allowed most of the clothes and linens to dry.

Cory shopped yesterday in Cap when he went in to pick up our mail that accumulated since mid-September. Most years the mail gets forwarded to us in Michigan but this year it waited for us.

A huge personal praise for me today-Eli's second year of high school transcript that I worked on before going to the USA was retrieved off the computer backup!!! I feared that it had been lost with the computer crash in September.

Please join us in praying for National Church Board meetings for the next couple of days as they deal with some very difficult leadership issues. The Northern district will met on campus here next week.

Frequent heavy rains in November delayed the restart of building of the Fauche church. Another smaller project on campus started during our travels consists of the demolition a small building near the entrance of campus and rebuilding it as a bookstore/copy center.

Hope you enjoyed 12-12-12!

1 comment:

The Bronkema Family... said...

Wow, busy people! Happy to hear about the transcripts! Love to you all!