Friday, June 9, 2023

A living gift that keeps giving. Cory

Date palm at WISH on Lagonave March 2023
They don't fruit every year but some do some years.

We have recently heard from Haiti from several of the recipients of our fruit trees. It is good to see the fruits even though we can not share the flavor for now.

Deep River Mission Guesthouse in Cap Haitian has a large yard and Cory provided many fruits to add to their existing edible landscaping of coconut palms, mangos, bananas and more. They recently thanked us and posted on facebook. We shared 1,2,4,11,12,13,15 and maybe some of the others.

Fruits and vegetable trees were planted at Children of the Promise before we started our adoption journey. By the time we visited Fritz, the kids were enjoying the everbearing mulberries, which have a better sweet and sour flavor than the bland mulberries we have tried in Michigan.  This spring they shared how the kids love the Malay apples. (Photo on May 4 blog)

Second Mile Haiti helps with maternity and child nutrition.  They shared last month how our donated trees early in their work encouraged them to promote agriculture. They have provided gardening classes to hundreds of mothers and given over 10,000 trees.

Loquat tree that could start producing in
 a year or two near the school
Last week a missionary from another part of the Delice mountain visited our worker to get plants and cuttings to plant at their mission and start living fences of mulberry. The mulberry taste good like blackberry and the tender greens almost as nutritious as moringa and better adapted to the subtropical mountain climate. 

He was also glad to get starts of yacon. His wanted to introduce Jerusalem artichoke but I shared how yacon is similar and I think it tastes better. We have shared it in the past and our worker says it is being sold now in area markets.

The school director and church leader in the town nearest to our mission at Delice also planted many of our trees that we shared. His mulberry are producing now and he just wrote today asking how they are propagated because he wants to get a nursery going for them.  His fruit and nut trees are growing very well.  Cory

Kris...I just want to add a thank you to those who continue to remember to pray for the trees and plants both in Haiti and Zambia. We're grateful to hear updates on how the Lord is blessing folks years after we were privileged to share resources and information with folks. 

1 comment:

Gail Z. said...

That must be so encouraging to you that even though you can no longer be in Haiti, your work there goes on and provides needed nutrition and food to those you were serving. Thank you for sharing this.
Gail Z.