Monday, September 6, 2021


 It really doesn't feel like we have much to, appointments, lining up churches for later in the fall, family time, and this week the 3 guys all battling head colds.

Haiti: earthquake relief continues, now complicated by the gangs going back to violent fighting after a couple weeks of truce.  They started back up within a day of Cory rescheduling his tickets to return the end of the month for about 10 days.

This pillow really reflects sunshine.
Anna completed her first week in Amman, Jordan, packed full of many interesting experiences: local food [bought her first tropical fruits at the market!] , visit to historical sites, a mosque, adjusting to the 7 hour time change; finally sleeping through the 4:30 a.m. call to prayer; getting to know her classmates; first class in Arabic, and now a trip to Aqaba to snorkel and enjoy Jordan's only sea coast. She starts normal classes on Wednesday. 

Family time fills my heart with joy and head with memories: birthday celebrations, Fritz kidding around with Uncle Todd; helping my mom can green tomato relish, the smell of freshly made apple sauce, helping with this and that and just sitting across a room able to look up and see my folks or Eli in the same room just being together. Thankful for this unexpected time.

Thankful for technology that keeps us calls from Haiti, texts to Jordan, facebook news telling us of a dear friend's arrival in heaven, seeing cute newborn photos, finishing up our zoom Wellsprings of Freedom International class, and all the positives of high-speed internet [yes, I know there are negatives as well]

home school on the road.

Thank you for those who are praying for our family during this unusual time for us. Fritz and I were reading about the Isrealit children when they followed the cloud through the desert. Talk about a time of uncertainly and limbo..never knowing if the next minute, day, week the call would go out to pack up and move. Lord help me to trust in You minute by minute, Your plan, Your timing, Your power, Your love, You leading, You teaching, You purifying, You providing and protecting. Thank you!

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