Saturday, September 11, 2021

23 years ago, our 1st full day on LaGonave.

As always on Sept. 11 these days we think and reflect on our move to Haiti and 9/11, 23 and 20 years respectively. 

 I've started going through old journals,  typing them into the computer, and just this morning read the following passage. 

We were at a seaside resort attending our first team retreat July 2005.

 I am certainly NOT the person I was 20 years ago PTL [praise the Lord] 

Like the rock on the beach I have been tumbled  rolled, hit, over + over + over. 

I have lost many a hard, hard edge chip by chip. Afraid I have hurt some others in the process but pray mostly that the Lord used me to round people out as well.

 Life, much like the sea waves-push and pulls unpredictably.

 2 big waves together-a bunch or multiple small waves all in a row, out of no where a big one.

 With God’s grace may I handle each better than the last, with His help. 

Grant me wisdom, show me when I am responding selfishly and not for Your glory and Honor.

 Thank you Lord for breaks like this one, A rest from the sea of need that normally affects our daily lives. 

Landed a bit higher on the beach-a time of rest, time with family, missionary family and You before returning to the sea to continue the maturing process of rumble/tumble. 

Interesting to me how much i've changed in the 15 years since I first wrote those words and how true they still ring today. 

Thank you Lord for working on me still. For the progress, for healing, for Your unconditional love through the chaos of life past and present. 

Lord wrap Your arms around those suffering from trauma today, from painful memories. 

Those who need healing: mental, emotional, and or physical.

You and only You can heal! Lord bring healing. 

Blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord. 


Chris and Kath Sloan said...

You guys are one of our favorite families ever! So blessed to have been a small part of one of your years in Haiti and to be shaped in so many ways by our time as part of your family.

nanamiwaggy said...
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