Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tour Thursday with some afternoon work.

This morning following breakfast the team toured the campus. We started with the school kitchen, visited the Child Survivor Program rooms, then the cute preschoolers, grade school classes and the school office.

We did not visit the older classes as most of the students did not attend class today as they are preparing for testing on Monday.

After Fre. Dieucel the director of the school answered the questions, thanked the team and requested them to pray for the students, staff and school we headed over to the medical complex.

We toured each area including the cholera tent. With the recent rains the cholera cases have increased again with about 7 or so patients receiving IV treatment at the time of our visit.

All agreed to prayer and I prayed for their healing-hopefully all will be healthy at home by the time next week when the newly painted cholera can receive patients.

Reviewing the projects after the tour left enough time for a few of the team to receive washing machine lessons, learn where tools can be found and collect the needed tools for the afternoon's projects. Cory loaded the truck with ladders and donated medications which he drove to the clinic, returning back up the hill with the second OB delivery table which needs to be repainted.

Lunch consisted of chicken rice casserole, fried sweet potatoes, fresh bread and cookies. A few tried the 'hot' Haitian peanut butter- too spicy for some. Interesting table discussion as always occurs when a team visits our home.

Back to work- a couple of ladies cleaned and wired brushed the table, a bit of sewing, a couple of the men cleaned the ceilings in patient rooms to prepare them for painting [kerosine lamps leave a sooty residue] while the majority of the team restarted the scraping job started back in February.

  I enjoyed translating for Kimberly while she shared with some of the staff how massage can treat some common symptoms and improve a person's immune system.
By the end of the class we had 10 people listening to the explanations, asking questions and then feeling what to do as Kimberly demonstrated each technique after talking about them. 

On Monday afternoon we plan to move a table out and continue learning about stretching techniques and massage of the back.

Some fun time playing with the children and working on Creole phrases, journaling and visiting rounded out the day.

Anna brought some of the team on a walk around the compound.

Supper will consist of vegetable beef soup, tomatoes, bread and cookies.


Tonya Myers said...

Just love the thing that are being done over in Haiti. Very proud of my sister Kim. I tear up thinking she is doing great things. So proud of her and the rest of the groups over there. Keep up the great work. I miss you sister:) Much LOVE!

Sandy_Bumford said...

Kimmy and other mission workers you are in my thoughts in prayers. God bless your efforts! Because He Lives! Sandy Bumford, keep on keeping on as Paul said!