Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, monday..

For a Haitian twist for breakfast in addition to oatmeal, bananas, hard boiled eggs folks could try some Haitian hot chocolate with coconut, sweet cassava bread.

 The cassava bread goes well dunked in the hot chocolate as it softens it up making it easier to chew.

Then the team divided up: the OB exam table receiving it's first coat of white paint, church benches receiving brown paint and the cholera room receiving.........bright kelly green paint.

By the end of the day the ER window and door sported new screens that should keep out rats, mice, mosquitoes and other small critters.

Cathy sewed curtains for the hospital between hanging up the wash and keeping the washing machine running.

We stopped work before 11:30 a.m. so that Pastor Rigo could share his heart concerning his local church, the medical work and his work with the youth.

Although he asked for 30 minutes by the time the team learned what they wanted to learn by asking questions and prayed for Pastor Rigo 12:30 had arrived.

The taste of the beef soup, fresh bread, tomatoes, pickled beets and chocolate cooks did not suffer at all from the delay.

In the afternoon the majority of adults in the adult literacy class stopped in for the massage class.

A few other local folks and two nurses joined in making the class size about 15 as we reviewed some of the ideas taught on Thursday as well as learned how to massage the back, lower back, legs, knees and hands.

Folk's started to jump up to volunteer to be the next person to point out where their body hurt and benefit from Kimberly's massage while she explained the technique to the rest of the class.

When the hour grew late we closed the class while explaining that Kimberly will be in contact with me and I'll work on a Creole handout and we can practice again later.

Cory then took 8 of the team members in the truck up to the base of the small mountain that holds our closest cell-phone tower.

 Most of the team then hiked up the hill to see the view and a few fast enough to get some exercise benefit!

Supper awaits the sight seers: white rice with bean sauce or left over vegetable stir fry, fried sweet potatoes and banana bread.


paco said...

Looks like the team is doing very well.
All the food you describe sounds tasty. I love and miss you Kimmie,
God Bless you all!

Jamie Jo said...

I should have read this yesterday, since now I am stuck all day today singing the Mamas and the Papas "Monday, Monday..." Thanks.

Actually I was just convicted after reading Cindy's post on the Writer's blog that I seldom take time to let you know I am following you and reading your news. I enjoy keeping up with you.


Kris Thede said...

Team's doing great.

Jamie Jo. Thanks for the comment. I'm working on better titles after reading I think in a Writer's Blog about lame just the date.

I'm pretty sure that 'Kimmie" is the massage instructor from Michigan on this team. Once we slow down I'll be back to visit your blog.