Friday, February 24, 2012

Pastor Rigo. Hospital Administrator.

I remember on LaGonave being asked more than once the question "How do you continue to do this job?" generally asked after a patient's death. My response generally fell along these lines "When I get to the point of despair and starting to think about quitting the Lord often sends along a miracle case to remind me that He's still in charge."

Pastor Rigo dropped by this afternoon and shared some of the issues that the clinic is dealing with at this time: a staff member's room on campus robbed, issues with the night watchmen that escalated to the point of his being fired, a local man murdered by his own family members almost directly across the street from the clinic making the staff not want to work nights or weekends, lower numbers of patients month after month.... One might wonder why Pastor Rigo continues to work hard at his job of hospital administrator.

I believe he continues to work at his job because he knows that the Lord wants him to continue to make a difference in that job. Until the Lord releases him he will try to meet the needs of the clinic staff as well as the needs of the community. He arranged a meeting with the community leaders to talk about how the clinic benefits them and how if the security issue is not resolved that they may no longer benefit from 24 hour medical care at Fauche.

On a happier note Pastor Rigo made sure that the 4 movies he borrowed for a Wesleyan Youth Carnival Weekend Retreat and the equipment made it back to our house. Over 250 people watched the movies. The best report is that 29 young people prayed to committee their lives to the Lord! This encourages Pastor Rigo on those dark days of trouble. Making a positive difference in people's lives energizes unlike any other job or task. And thankfully the work of the Kingdom will last forever, past when the troubles and painful memories of this life fade into history.

Please continue to pray for Pastor Rigo. For the work and staff of the Fauche clinic and hospital. For the youth of the Haitian church to grow in their faith and influence others. Pray that we know how best to help out without hurting.


Anonymous said...

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Great post

dan said...

Its always important for us to remember - no matter how small we think are actions are, how little effect they will have in this world. God sees the ripple effect and thus sees the whole picture, that here on earth we are unable to see.

dan said...
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Chris and Kath Sloan said...

Praying for Pastor Rigo. And for you guys! I spent some time tonight looking at pictures and pondering our time in Haiti. Thanks for making us part of your family and helping us so much! We are so grateful. Have a good Sunday!

Bose said...

Pastor, made some perfect points the hospital administrator should concentrate. thanks !!Hospital Administrator CV Template