Instant messaging with my folks did not go well today with hardly a sentence making it whole and finally after resorting to typing I lost the connection. Hoping to see them on Thursday as long as the weather remains fair in Michigan on Wednesday and Port-au-Prince remains calm on Thursday following the release of the election results on Wednesday.
Visitors motivate cleaning and organization in my house-and this morning the motivation ran high. Both the children's rooms look neat with their stuff clean and straight. Many empty boxes left the house accompanied with a large box of give-away items and multiple trash containers to the burn pit!! YEAH for us.
While I've enjoyed sharing with you this blog for the last three years I don't change a lot, sticking to what I know. Well today I happened to notice the 'Stats' tab at the top. Interested in what I'd find I explored a bit-and found a cool map that shows the 'pageviews' by countries: USA, Canada, Germany, France, South Korea, Slovenia, China, United Kingdom, Israel, and Japan this week.
HI to my international friends! Very exciting to see your countries colored green on my map. I'm guessing most of you are Sonlight Islanders. Makes the world feel nicer to me, having friends scattered throughout.
When I changed the time from week to month the map includes: Netherlands, Singapore, Russia, Georgia and Kenya. And for all time: South Africa, Turkey and Saint Kitts pop up.
Interesting that while sitting in rural Haiti, running one's computer and Internet off batteries, where my neighbors don't have running water, regular electricity, refrigeration and so much more--yet I can connect with people all over the world at the click of a keyboard.
Thanks for pointing this out Kris. I did not realize this feature in blogger. Up until now I just checked my feedburner stats. I like some of these much better.
Thinking of you guys often.
Mike Kaechele
"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, ..."
I still can't get that music out of my head from that one ride at Walt Disney World. Ha! Ha!
Praying for God's healing hand in Haiti, peaceful elections, safe travel, and joyful reunions.
God Bless all of you! Amen!
Peter-we rode that when we were there..and yes the song fits. Thanks for praying. Pray the folks out of Michigan before that storm that's coming your way.
Mike-glad I can help you out. Don't know if the Stats tab has always been there or new. Keep thinking.
I always wonder about those stats when I look at my blog's stats...
I kinda doubt some of them are actually generated by humans.
Someone, whose husband is a computer geek, mentioned to me that some of them might be generated by robotic search engine hits or some weird thing sort of like that? I don't know. I wonder, though...
my stats shouldn't include any robotic search engines as I've got it blocked to such searches. Doesn't mean they won't get there I suppose tho' as long as they don't publish.
So nice to get to sit on a train moving through the English countryside and see/be touched by stories and faces from all over the world. Cool technology huh?
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