Monday, January 31, 2011

31 January Folks delayed and Kid's Club Celebration

Oatmeal for breakfast-slow start to the school day.

School 7:30 to 8:45 Bible together and getting the kids set up for working alone during clinic.
Cory starting to make corrections in the health book so it can be reprinted.

Clinic 8:45 to about 10:30 Saw 6 patients and at one point had 4 student nurses watching. My clinic room becomes very full with myself, 4 nurses, 1 patient and a family member. Two patients sent home while the remainder needed to visit the lab [a fall follow-up and ringworm].

10:30 Chatted with the folks on Skype as looks like their trip to visit us will be delayed. So when the storm clears will be praying for a MAF flight to Cap Haitian so they can make it to us without an overnight in Port [or without Cory needing to drive down to get them]

10:30 to 12:10 School.

1:35 Instant message with mom. Still no word but likely not going to have a flight out of Grand Rapids on Wed. Once we know this 100% need to cancel their MAF charter from Port-au-Prince and let their ride know.

Lunch. Devotions. School. 1:45 and still waiting for the call that tells me my labs await. So I thought I'd blog.

Yesterday afternoon over 300 kids celebrated the first year of Kid's Club at Fauche. Lots of noise, a parade around the campus led by a band, songs, a skit, birthday gifts for those with January birthdays, a few short speeches, and then everyone enjoyed pop and mayo on bread.

Special thanks to Bill, Elaine and their church for supporting this ministry.

Lab called just before 2. Two older folks with urinary track infections and hypertension [also 3 cateracts between them the gentalman having been blind for 10 years now] a 3 year old with anemia and malaria, an 18 year old [not pregnant] with heart burn.

Back to school for a couple of hours and helping Cory with the book. A couple of letters to work on so that they can fly to the USA tomorrow with the mail on MFI. Supper will be leftovers. Cold shower hopefully before the sun sets. Bed about 9 p.m.

1 comment:

Missus Wookie said...

fun celebration photos. Hope your family are able to visit soon.