Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Happy Independence Day. Prayer Request

The last two years we enjoyed family [4 generations of Kris' and 3 of Cory's], food and fun in Michigan for the 4th--so being just the 4 of us feels funny.

Our family along with John Pierre's piled in the truck yesterday morning and headed down the road to the beach. While this is only our second trip to the beach in the North we plan to visit more often.

Parts if the dirt road had improved in the last couple of years and only a couple spots contained mud. The beach, clean sand, few people, cool water cause Cory to say 'This is almost as good as the garden." All three of us plan to remind him of this to coax him into driving us to the beach more than once every two years.

Returning home we passed though groups of Brazilian fans celebrations of Argentina's defeat. The previous day we learned the fights between the groups following Brazil's loss cause at least one death in Cap Haitian.

We enjoyed Lee Greenwood's patriotic music in the afternoon. Some baked beans, potato salad and pumpkin pie with whipped topping.

Church today. Pastor Immanuel called to wish us a nice holiday.

Please pray for Jean Donald. We received this request today.

Our brother in Christ, Jean Donald Dorelus, is from the Wesleyan Church in Haiti and is a medical student in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, preparing to serve in the Wesleyan Hospital in La Gonave. On Thursday, June 24, he was involved in an auto/bus accident while visiting his homeland. It is my understanding that seven people died in the accident. Jean Donald's life was spared but he suffered multiple arm and leg fractures. On Thursday of this week he was transported to Santo Domingo, where surgery was preformed today on his arm, and doctors plan to operate on his leg tomorrow. I spoke with Jean Donald this evening by phone. He was in good spirits, and will deeply appreciate your prayers.
In Christ, Rick


Anonymous said...
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Chris and Kath Sloan said...

Wish we could go to the beach with you! It's nice to see pictures of Jean Pierre's kids. I'm sure they loved going with you. It's always cool to see how you guys make the most of your reasons to celebrate!