The trip to Port would be to update the paperwork on the truck as well as visit LaGonave. Time to check on the Johntiny, the agricultural work and move more date palms to the North. Looks like it may work for him to make the trip next week.
Work started yesterday on the foundation of the new church. Pastor Jonus encouraged everyone to come and help this week with carrying rocks and water. Our wheelbarrow and some tools serve as our families representatives. The church members build during the day, at 5:30 p.m. Cory shows a video in French, which is followed by the nights service. The week's activities will end with Sunday's Harvest Festival. The special offerings being taken this week will be put toward rebuilding the church.
Pastor Denord stopped by today and filled us in on dates for conferences and meetings. This helped Cory to decide to travel next week-as well as not wanting to wait to long and have storms delay his trip.
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