Friday, June 11, 2010

Bananas, books and baby packets.

Friday family night...only hours away and surprise the kids don't yet know we received new movies in the mail on Tuesday.

A good week over all. Four boxes out of five made it on Tuesday from my folks. Mostly containing baby packets. Anna holds the title of project manager on the baby packets so she took charge of adding Creole tracts and counting the packets. Dad moved them to the House of Hope for storage.

Eli acted as a point of reference for Cory's picture of his newest blooming banana tree. This Goldfinger banana is the second he's imported to bloom on campus-it is disease resistant. It appears to have 8 hands or bunches of banana's developing.

Another surprise for our kids that came with the cargo-Sugar Creek Gang books. This gift comes from a couple we met on our family trip to TiGoave. The team from Iowa addopted us for the week and a few members have stayed in contact with our children. Thank you so much


Missus Wookie said...

Sounds like a good mail haul!

Chris and Kath Sloan said...

I love how they are sitting so close on the couch! Of course if you pointed that out to Eli I'm sure he'd quickly scoot over! :)

Kris Thede said...

While the mail haul was great, a generator didn't make this plane so will have a second great mail haul in a few weeks.

Ha-mom squeezed them together for the photo but as you know we don't have personal space here and sometimes they do sit that close.

Thank you guys very much for the comments-nice to hear from the outside world.

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