A few puffy white clouds scuttle across a bright blue sky contrasting the green hills and valley trees.
Eli and Anna squeeze in a last few pages of school before joining their friends outside for some fun exercise.
Cory attempts to buckle down and complete office work but secretly enjoys the distractions of folks coming to the door to break up his sitting time.
Waking up with a pounding headache I talked myself out of going to clinic-spending most of the day quietly helping my students stay on task.
Weekend consisted of reading, some correspondence, typing the first part of the health book in Creole, cleaning house, sorting some clothes, time in prayer.
A new Christian video in French shown yesterday for kids club. Mixed feelings on learning that some kids come in damp clothes because they wash their only clothes prior to club so that they can attend clean. Great that they feel like they can attend as many will not attend church in those kind of clothes thinking that they need better. Sad to think of kids owning one dress, one shirt or one pair of shorts.
I'm with Chris there are often times just lately where I'm grateful for the interruptions. Especially if it means I get outside for a bit.
I need to remember the end of your post when I get dressed in the morning.
Other than the part involving splitting headaches, I like the picture you just painted...
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