Wednesday, June 23, 2010

23 June

Cloudy afternoon with intermittent light rain showers.

+ Dr. Cesar is back and working at the clinic.
+ Cory made cuttings of the Artemesia plants and started them in the plastic holders that the baby bananas came in--working nicely.
+ School time moving along nicely this week.
+ Cory getting his office work caught up.
+ Getting the Health book into Creole.
+ Cloudy with a bit of needed rain-no hard rains.

- Don't know where the generator Cory bought for the campus is but not yet arrived in Florida for shipping.
- No government power since this past weekend. Limbe folks protested enough that Cap Haitian turned on the power again but since the town just down the road from us didn't protest Limbe didn't throw the switch to let the electricity come our way. SIGH
- Heard that Joni E. Tada has breast cancer. Just watched her movie with the kids this week.
- Not all the banana plants Cory planned to have shipped to Haiti in July will be ready.

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