Monday, June 21, 2010

21 June

Cloudy and breezy, the weather acts like rain.

Good weekend without much rain. Saturday afternoon the family toiled together in the garden, weeding and putting compost around the Artemesia plants. While we tried to have a Father's Day gift sent in from the USA-the box containing it remained in Florida during our last cargo run so it will be a bit late.

Enjoying some great smelling ginger flowers and frangipanis [Plumeria] during this time-interesting both flowers are white.

Our abundant government electrical power appears to have come to an end. It started with the World Cup games-some TV's donated to towns by the Haitian government so that folks can watch the fun. But looks like the days are done.

Down at clinic today I greeted Dr. Cesar -back from vacation. Don't know if he will continue to work for us or not but am praying about the situation. I attended 2 patients on the weekend with the nurse. The first a young lady with dehydration secondary to gastroenteritis. The second older lady, with high blood pressure and diabetes and three days of fever and pain. Because the blood sugar tester was locked up for the weekend we referred her down the road for more sophisticated care than we could provide.

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