Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bethanie Church Visit.

One never quiet knows when heading out to visit a new church what you'll see. This week we were surprised to find ourselves driving though the river.

This location is just down the road from the Fauche mission and located in the valley. We were told that there are over 5,000 people in this area. The church is Bethanie and had an attendance of about 100.

While they didn't have a generator or any electricity the singing was wonderful. They lacked neither volume or enthusiasm and we enjoyed it very much.

Before the service Eli was fascinated to see that two song birds were going in and out of the hanging flowers above the pulpit. We think that they must of had a nest. Their beautiful songs filled the church. Once the service started they left-must not of wanted to compete with the congregation's great singing.

If you look close you can see Anna sitting with the other girls. Second from the left.

The area is river bottom land so it is very good for crops. There are no paved roads. Some people were washing clothes, bathing or washing vehicles in the river. Small children were playing in the water.

There are no rivers on LaGonave so this was very different for us. We were grateful that the rains the previous night weren't harder as the river would of been higher.

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