Friday, October 26, 2007


Cory's garden is starting to produce. This past week we were able to enjoy 4 small summer squash, one larger squash and sweet pickles made from these cucumbers.

The tomatoes and other plants are grown as well. The zucchini plants have blossomed but are not setting fruit.

We continue to have frequent rains. Cory was able to bring back all the seeds that he had stored on LaGonave. Most of these are now planted and we are waiting to see how many germinate.

Some of these seeds have been in the refrigerator since we came back in 98-as they would not of grown on LaGonave. Some of those seeds were packaged back in 91 at ECHO so Cory is very interested to see if any of them will germinate.

Unfortunately the rains and fertile soil that makes the garden grow also is ideal for weeds. One of the weeds have little seeds in a half circle shape that stick on clothes, shoe strings and shoes. These can be found all over the house-on mosquito nets, rugs, sheets, bath towels, and occasionally in people's hair! They are not painful just a pain. Anyone seen throwing them on the floor by mom gets the privilege of sweeping two rooms.

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