Tuesday, February 1, 2022


 One's perspective starts with what one knows, so the next few months will be full of comparisons and discussions, exploring if assumptions or expectations met reality. 

When asked last week if I was excited ....well not really yet... a protective measure on my part I think..... 

With a winter storm predicted for the next two days and the need for a negative Covid test, the uncertainties continue.

So prayers appreciated for good health and weather and for our travels.

Prayers for Haiti.

In the last 7 days Haiti experienced 187 earthquakes: 136 quakes M2+  122 quakes M3+  27 quakes M4+  2 quakes M5+ [M stands for magnitude].

 Some say this is due to the large volcanic explosion near Tonga affecting the tectonic plates around the world.

The impact on mental health of repeated earthquakes on people who've suffered significant losses in the past is hard to measure. 

We pray for all impacted on this. We pray for them to keep their eye's fixed on the Lord and to draw closer to Him.

We pray for the earthquakes to calm down and for protection from larger quakes.

Rains in Northern Haiti, especially those in Cap Haitian, are causing significant flooding and we've read the rains will likely continue through Thursday.

We pray for safety and health. We pray for provision of food, shelter, and peace for those who have to leave their homes as well as for those helping out.

We pray for those with Covid as reports out of Haiti continue to talk about spiking cases.

We pray for the struggle for leadership and need for elections. At this point in time only 30% of seats in Haiti's congress are filled. 

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