Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Reflection on state of Limbo

 I'm sitting in the dark unable to sleep, as the Eastern sky begins to lighten and worship music fills my ears.

Limbo doesn't feel scary or as unsettling as it did in my younger years. 

Especially during the long periods of uncertainty and unknowns of Fritzlin's adoption we learned how to trust the Lord and go to Him in prayer with our feelings and fears.

Those skills came in handy many times since then: when we waited for his USA visa; not knowing when we could return to Haiti as we waited for his citizenship papers, his passport, and again following our 2019 Feb. evacuation.

Also this month, following President Moise's assassination on July 7th. 

Thursday and Friday will be national holidays with the President's funeral occurring on Friday, July 23.

On the 7th we were told that the folks from our Global Partners team dealing with risk management didn't want anyone traveling for a couple weeks and then they'd reassess the situation.

We were planning on heading back in the end of July for 3 months before retiring to the USA for partnership development time.

Limbo....then before the two week mark we were told on Friday that we could continue to plan to return as scheduled; all five of us were in the car heading to spend time with Cory's folks.

After a fun day with them and later pizza with my folks, brother, sister-in-law and one nephew it was time to start working on organizing, packing, and those things that need to be done when one has less than two weeks before international travel. 

Saturday and Monday morning we worked on that to-do list, Sunday morning shared at a supporting church and rested in the afternoon. Hey, we're on track!

WAIT A MINUTE! An e-mail waiting for us Monday afternoon revealed a false start.

'Our consensus is to  ask them to put off their return until August.... which is four weeks from their scheduled return date. '

So back into limbo...that familiar place that helps to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord.

Keeps us frequently praying both for direction and to keep our attitudes pleasing to Him, reflecting glory and honor to Him.

Someone pointed out to me this week that control for humans is an illusion. True.

God's in control. He's all powerful, all knowing, and our living Hope! The Truth and Peace.

When will we go back to Haiti? Lord knows. And for now..right this moment I'm sitting at His feet with a peaceful heart because He is always with me.. even especially in times of chaos and limbo.

'All My Ways Are Known to You one of the songs that played while I spent time reflecting on this blog and with the Lord this morning. 

In days of peace and days of rest
In times of loss and loneliness
Though rich or poor, Your word is true
That all my ways are known to You
No trial has come beyond Your hand
No step I walk beyond Your plan
The path is dark outside my view
Still all my ways are known to You
And oh what peace that I have found
Wherever I may be
For all my ways are known to You
Hallelujah, they are known to You!
I do not fear the final night
For death will be the door to life
You take my hand and lead me through
For all my ways are known to You
And oh what peace that I have found
Wherever I may be
For all my ways are known to You
Hallelujah, they are known to You!
Open up my eyes so I may see
That You have made these ways for me
Open up my eyes so I may see
That You my God, will walk with me
Open up my eyes so I may see
That You have made these ways for me
Open up my eyes so I may see
That You my God, will walk with me
And oh what peace that I have found
Wherever I may be
For all my ways are known to You
Hallelujah, they are known to You!
And oh what peace that I have found
Wherever I may be
For all my ways are known to You
Hallelujah, they are known to You!
Hallelujah, they are known to You!

1 comment:

SherryinMI said...

Thank you for sharing and for posting a link to the song. I had not heard that song before and I really liked it!