Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Great Christmas

Saturday the guys continued to work on the window frames and they continued the project today.

Saturday we dealt with the dog who decided to walk on the plastic covering the water cistern. It did not hold her weight but thankfully with some encouragement she was able to get out.

Later on Saturday we enjoyed the Agape House Christmas program and meal.

Anna and Grandma made the cupcakes and Eli helped decorate.

Sunday morning we headed back to the Agape House where Anna lead the morning worship and craft.

She read the Christmas Story in Creole from Luke 2.

Then some coloring and stickers for craft time.

Eli and I worked on more wall clean up this morning.

Mom and Anna worked on some cleaning, cooking, packing away Christmas decorations, and some school related paperwork.

More of the same in the afternoon.

Then we enjoyed family Christmas Eve fondue and Christmas celebration on Monday.

Tomorrow we plan to continue on cleaning walls, some woodworking, while Cory heads down the mountain to pick up the window glass, doors and supplies.

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