Monday, October 30, 2017

Floor and First Visitors!

Thursday morning we looked at the floor, rough but strong.

It is tarped to help the cement get stronger, by holding the moisture in longer. 

Think Cory watered it as well. 

On Thursday afternoon, 7 members of our Global Partners team from LaGonave traveled up the mountain for an overnight visit.

We enjoyed the fellowship, food, showing them the house progress, and hiking around the Lamothe coffee plantation ruins, Fort Drouet, and even further away ruins.

They enjoyed seeing a different, cooler part of Haiti and it even sprinkled while we were at the fort.

Trusting they are the first of many visitors to see the Delice project.

Cory and I spent a couple hours Saturday with measuring tapes and rocks trying to visualize walls and windows. 

Because of the locations of the holes for plumbing, electric, stairwell, and water cistern access some walls need to stay where they ended up.

So we lost a bit of bedroom space but gained it on the living room side.

It will all work out.

Sunday, we enjoyed a day of quiet and rest.
This morning Cory headed down the mountain early for a day of shopping, business, and banking in Port-au-Prince. 

November first and second are holidays here, so a mid-week trip would not work.

Spent time this weekend figuring out how many blocks and lumber are needed for the next projects on the house. 

November's ambitious house building goals are roof and walls!

Hoping to get a dump-truck load of building supplies up here before Saturday. 

On Saturday Cory will once again return to Port to shop and pick up a welder coming from the USA to do major work on the house next week!

School and office work will also occur this week. 

Thank you for the prayers. 

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