Friday, November 1, 2013

Praises and Prayers.

After a night in my own bed, back home, sleeping with the rain making music on the tin roof and cool breezes sweeping though our bedroom I can honestly say.....I'm still tired.

Thank you all for the prayers. We met and bonded with new friends. Through 5 days of clinic the medical folks [American and Haitian] saw over 670 patients [over 500 school children checks], I think there were over 300 eye checks with many pairs of reading glasses given out.

Pastor Kip taught pastors and lay leaders and Cory taught about nutrition and gardening. We touched lives as they touched ours.

We enjoyed some perks in Cap Haitian: great food, hot showers, air conditioning and ice cream.

I thoroughly enjoyed being asked questions about Haiti, life overseas or my opinion multiple times a day.

In our house "Did you know?" frequently fills the air as each of us look for someone to teach the interesting fact we just learned.

This week provided us with a team eager to learn and ask questions so we did not need to search for someone to teach or share our insights.

No major issues with flashbacks to the field hospital. Medically 90% of our time consisted of well child checks and a chance to educate.

The two main teaching points we focused on consisted of choosing to use one's money wisely by buying vegetables, fruit, eggs or peanuts over pop, sugar drinks or cheese puffs.

 Second major point due to all the children receiving treatment for GI worms in school consisted of pointing out many dirty finger nails and explaining the important of not just washing hands after using the bathroom or before eating but also keeping the nails clean of dirt.

Lots of talking during clinics as well as with the team at meals and after clinics. As I already noted I enjoy teaching, especially information that can help prevent future problems.

Those of you who know me already know this part. Many would label me as an extrovert and Cory as being introverted.

In truth I am close to 50/50. I can enjoy time spent with people and groups but this does not energize me.

At the end of a team I'm greatly in need for some time of reflection, time by myself or just with our family to recharge and prepare for the next interaction.

To be honest without the Lord's strength I could easily be happy staying at home with my books, cross stitch and family and only interact with others for a few hours at church on Sundays.

 But the Lord helps me to overcome this urge to stay in the house during the week by providing the push and strength or sometimes just sending people to the house for me.

I say all this because I feel that your prayers helped me and our family to have a wonderful week with the team last week. Next Thursday we will welcome a team of our own from Michigan for a week of ministry and connecting them with Haiti.

On Saturday, November 9th Pastor Emmanuel's family will hold the funeral for Mme. Emmanuel, a dear women, who lived right here on campus and treated us like family.

We need your prayers again. Specifically as we prepare for the team arranging Kid's club meetings, tours, small projects, meals and transportation.

That our family can power up again to teach and be gracious hosts.

 Please pray we stay healthy and get rested up mentally and physically.

Pray we can bless this team and accomplish all the Lord has planned. Thank you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! You are right on the money again Kris. Praying for that re-charging, rest, and strength to continue the good work that God has set your hands to do. :-)

We will be praying for Mme's family and friends too. Very sad to loose a friend.

Love and hugs from the cold, up North,