Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mini team Day 1

After a rainy night with 5 inches of rain before it stopped at 3 a.m.  Dad and Steve reorganized the tools, cleaned and thought though some projects.

Mom, under house arrest due to her aggravated back pain / sciatica unpacked their things, worked on organizing my recipes into a new book, helped Anna with some school work.

Cory's guys cut down two more oil palm bunches and will start boiling them down tomorrow to make oil.

We enjoyed Haitian rice and beans with a beef vegetable sauce along with some fried banana chips and fried sweet potato.

This afternoon we kept watching for a International Compassion team who were to visit. Finally after a 3 hour wait I walked down to see if anyone had arrived. The band started up right when Dad and I arrived and to my surprise I knew one of the two men visiting from Compassion!

Justin now working full time with Compassion came to hear about a neat program where the profits from a student run restaurant/café in England are providing vocational training to more than 30 older students in three areas: beauty school, plumbing and electrical training.

Because of the lateness of the day we hurriedly showed the guys around the school yard and the clinic.

Now time for supper and talking about our day while the rest of campus can watch a video if they like down on campus.

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