Friday, June 29, 2012

Cholera clinic.

July will soon be here. This week found most our days falling into a routine: school, watering of dry breadfruit trees and other trees, translating the book, and correspondence.

Side view from main clinic yard.
I did finish up all my required continuing education requirements for this year. Think we will be targeting my next exam for next fall while we're in the USA, about 1/2 a year early for renewal. Very hard to learn information that does not apply to medical practice here but at least for now we feel I need to keep up on my Family Practice specialty.

At clinic on Monday I took these pictures of the new cholera treatment building being built where the big, hot tent stood last year. Pastor Rigo arranged for some funding from the Haitian government from a non-for-profit organization.

Cholera building. 
Next week the district's annual conference will start on campus. While we do not have any direct responsibilities we help in indirect ways: cleaning up the guest houses, helping with electricity [please pray as the main campus generator is broken at this time], donating bananas and so on. I hope to do some blood pressure screening.

If you did not receive a copy of our summer newsletter please let me know and I'll E-mail it to you.

 Dry here so frequent watering of the newly propagated breadfruits and small trees recently planted on campus. Here is a picture of a way to start bamboo. The small black bags contain dirt and once the bamboo roots start growing in the bags you cut away that stalk and plant.

Thankful to make it though the first month of hurricane season with no major storms but a few nice rain showers would be helpful.


Betsy de Cruz said...

Congratulations on the new cholera clinic! I've been offline for a long time, so it's great to catch up with you. Glad to know someone else is doing SCHOOL this summer. We start back next week!

Anonymous said...

I hope and pray that they don't have to use that new cholera clinic a whole lot.
Praying for all of you and the people of Haiti
May God Bless, Amen!

me said...

Just catching up your blog posts. Praying for the cholera clinics in Haiti. Please tell Pastor Rigo that he is doing a great job et m'ap priye pou L'Egliz Wesleyenne nan Nò yo (some memory, some google translate... and practicing Kreyol with Zach D'Entremont this past week at our District Camp).

Can you please send me your email update? My gmail is still the same. Working on a mini clothespin line for all my prayer cards... so that I have a visual reminder to pray daily for everyone.

me said...

Its Heidi B. I still need to change my blogger profile.