Sunday, April 15, 2012

Looking ahead to fall travel.

Fairly quiet out due to our unusual April weather. A grey breezy morning, while not drippy like yesterday morning still remains gloomy with temperatures only in the low 70's.

 Heavy rains on and off this past week totaled more than 19 inches of rain leaving many costal homes flooded.

Skyped for a few minutes last night with Warsaw Wesleyan as part of their missions weekend. Tonight the team will share about their trip. My folks and Klings shared last night at a His Hands potluck. Wish we could hear teams report in their own words to the folks that support them but....

While the weather here canceled school and other activities this week, the folks on LaGonave remain busy. Please pray especially for the missionaries and hospital staff this week. A medical team will be doing surgery and consults this week. Three nurses on the surgery schedule which will leave the nursing staff short staffed during a busy couple weeks [surgery teams fill up the hospital with post-op patients, some of whom will not be discharged by the time the team leaves].

Please pray as well for our fall schedule. This time of no travel and school will come to an end. As we start to think about our trip to the USA in the fall scheduling becomes very important. First we try to set up as many church visits as possible. Many churches no longer met on Sunday or Wednesday nights complicating trying to visit as many as possible.

Limited Sundays, travel time, cost of gas and travel all complicate visits. We maintain a priority list of our supporting churches with those whom we have not yet visited in person being on top followed by return visits, those the farthest back in time being toward the top. This year we hope to visit both Pennsylvania and New York. Addition priorities Anna's orthodontic work, PSAT testing for Eli and maybe driver's education [he just wants to go hunting].

Keeping in touch with our supporters remains a priority: this blog, E-mail updates, printed Newsletters, Facebook, thank you notes and personal visits. Thank you to the team members who visited this year who can help us updated and thank our support team.

Unfortunately we cannot visit each location and person to thank folks in person and answer questions. But we hope to fit in as many visit's as possible this fall. Please if you have any questions let us know now and we'll do our best to answer them. Thank you for your prayers.

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