Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12. Thankful for limited Internet

Hey, I'm back. Well not 100% so no pictures as the only way to get slow and limited internet at this time I need to sit outside the house with a long extension cord under a blue sky and then the small Natcom 3g stick will work.

Still it is great to be connected to the world even in a slow and limited way after almost a week of no internet.

After our satellite dish stopped working on Tuesday and the Natcom would not work for us on Wednesday morning Cory called up MFI to see if they could put our cargo, including a part for the dish on the MFI plane on Thursday. Cory drove to Cap to met the plane but after waiting around for the second plane discovered that the pilot had forgotten our cargo. Well he did get some shopping done and picked up supplies for the hospital so the day was not totally wasted.

This weekend over 4 inches of rain greened up the area which after 3 weeks without any rain was starting to get a bit dry. Along with the rain as predicted the local cholera cases have increased. 

My sister-in-law Beth finishes up her last day of radiation treatment today!!!! And I finished her eagle cross-stitch up this past weekend so that the Battle Creek team can bring it to Michigan. 

Church happened at the normal time but this morning we learned that Haiti did jump ahead into daylight savings like the USA yesterday. The last time we changed in the spring was in 2005. Guess Fauche just needed an extra day to make the 'leap' ahead. 

Eli and Anna continue to work on school while getting the guest house prepared for our March Team.
Cory will head to Cap Haitian for a cargo run tomorrow and then return again to the airport on Wednesday for the team. The road crew is working on the road between us and Limbée now so the road is smoother-but that also means that folks drive faster and accidents may be worse. 

While at the airport last week talking with some of the other folks working in Northern Haiti Cory heard that many organizations are experiencing problem with vehicles and equipment. Please remember when praying for missionaries to include the items that make the work possible and effective like computers, trees, trucks and so on. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is good to have you back.
Praying for all of you and the equipment too