Monday, March 26, 2012

Life after Teams.

Slowly life post-team season returns to normal. Laundry for the House of Hope-the sheets and towels remains on the to-do list for this week.

Slow, quiet weekend with Anna moving much slower on Sunday due to a fever and headache.

In some ways hosting a team feels like a vacation:

  • no normal routine
  • normal bed time-changed
  • eat differently
  • go site seeing
  • fellowship and spend time chatting with friends
  • normal responsibilities delayed- [pile up]
  • makes one tired
  • take lots of pictures
  • make lots of memories
  • after it's over one needs to re-adjust to 'normal' life 
    • as well as catch-up on chores, laundry, and correspondence 
Now we will transition back to 'normal' life. Eli and Anna checked in with mom for their school schedule and if we stay on track our current year's curriculum should finish up the end of August. 

This will fit well with our proposed Fall trip to the USA.

Mardh-Jennie with our niece Taylor last June.
Friday Cory shared with the Northern pastors new Christian Creole books.

Cory decided that rather than keep feeding dogs who do not belong to folks on the campus that it would be best to feed Pastor Emmanuel's dog.

 Therefore helping her new set of puppies grow well and then allow Anna to 'adopt' one of the male puppies for us.

Mardh-Jennie, John Pierre's oldest daughter at 14 years old qualified for a junior volleyball team this weekend. She will travel through Miami with the team on the way to play in the Virgin Islands before Easter. 

Please pray for her during this exciting time. She will be seeing and experiencing a much different world than life at Fauche. 

1 comment:

Betsy de Cruz said...

Grace to you as you adjust to normal life after the team left. I can relate. As you say, it's like vacation while they're there, but then you have to play a bit of catch up when they leave.