Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Kid's Club Dental Clinic

Confession, I like to see rapid improvements. During college, a period when most of my life consisted of learning and study, (both hard to physically see any change), I mowed lawns in the summer.  Mowing not only made a bit of money and provided physical activity but it also satisfied my need to see improvment. At the end of the job I could easily see what I accomplished.

Missions can be one of those jobs where improvement takes time and can be hard to see some days. Sometimes one takes one step forward only to fall back a few steps all in the same day. Trees grow slowly. One may not know for a few years if the tree will fruit, and what the quality of the fruit will be. Not a job for the faint at heart. Homeschooling takes time too.

Checking out the tools.
Last March, Dr. Wilnie shared with us his dream to provide dental care in Fauche and we started praying.

This summer a set of dental tools generously donated made it to Fauche and through a second gift we purchased two "zero gravity" dental [lawn] chairs. Because Dr. Wilnie does not have a full time job or the additional supplies needed to run a dental clinic the prices for a cleaning or extraction prohibit most people in our area from being able to pay.

But knowing how bad teeth can badly impact one's health we worked with the Kid's club leaders to identify the 40 worst cases and today the first children received dental care and education. Praying that the dental clinic can continue to improve lives and touch people with God's love. After a slow start I enjoy seeing some progress.

The dental work started after 2 p.m. down at clinic. This allowed clinic to be competed for the day and the children finish their school day. Notice the line still waiting around 3 p.m. Doubtful that most will be seen today but perhaps they can hear the educational talk given to the others. Clinic started with prayer.

Thank you to each who prayed and donated to help make this happen!!
Prayer- A truck driver hauling earthquake rubble in Port-au-Prince lost control this morning and slammed into a crowd killing at least 26 people and injuring around 60 others.

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