Wednesday, March 30, 2011

March 30.. Lord's Provision after a bump in my road

Yesterday did not end as I expected. Late afternoon after completing school and talking a bit with Cory I went for a short walk behind the house for a bit of exercise. Thankfully I stayed close to the house as I soon found myself on the ground with a painful twisted ankle.

Eli and Anna provided first aid after helping me hobble into the house. When they told Cory as they were unable to find an elastic bandage my painful, swollen ankle was elevated, with ice packs cooling, pain medications administered and a fan blowing. My kids are great!

When they interrupted Cory's talking to a couple of the local men my plight became known. So John Pierre and Daniel asked to come in to pray. Not only did they pray they started with a song, something about walking with assurance, a quoted chapter of the Bible and then prayer.

Before and after my pain medications began to work my mind flipped though all the amazingly strong people I saw following the earthquake with major fractures and crush injuries as well as some of the bad cases I remember from LaGonave. I'm a major wimp compared to them. I just heard of a case this weekend from another missionary of an OMS rural clinic where they found someone with a untreated femur fracture for 5 days!!

I received immediate treatment. Correct treatment. Things that provided me comfort that most Haitians don't have access to include: soft couch, pillows, fan, pain medications, ice pack, elastic bandage, air splint, chair with wheels to get around the house, friends to pray.

Thankful too that I can still do my main job of schooling the kids. No hikes for a while but that's OK.

Thankful for the news that the second printing of the Creole health book that contains the way to treat sprains and even splint breaks is completed and the books are on their way.

Thankful for our prayer team. Thankful for a helpful family. Thankful I can normally sleep and normally live without pain on movement.

Praying for the people who live in constant pain and have much more serious problems than I. May they be comforted by God's love.


Unknown said...

Oh, no!!! You poor baby!!!

I remember how badly my ankle hurt when I sprained it.

Bless your heart for thinking of others less fortunate than yourself in the midst of your pain.

Hope it heals quickly!!!!!!


Missus Wookie said...

So glad that you were able to get the correct treatment and congrats to the kids on knowing what to do!