Monday, March 28, 2011

28th March...warming up.

The temperature continues it's creeping upward....nothing like on LaGonave but still when the days start to hit 90 or more we know that summer's arrival will happen in the weeks to come.

Eli and Anna completed the first 1/3 of their school year so the 'warm-up' period is well past us. The goal--to complete the next 1/3 prior to Todd's visit and our trip to the USA...2 1/2 months. Will need to keep up a nice pace. "Spring Break" will occur in mid-April when we travel to attend missionary retreat.

Cory heard today during a shopping/bank trip to Limbé that a general strike hit Port-au-Prince, protesting a jump of close to .50 cents a gallon of gas making it $4.88 a gallon. This means that folks deciding to drive on a strike day could very well become a target of the angry folks who called for the strike.

Thankful today that 4 young people joined our prayer team this week. I think it would be interesting if by looking at a person you could tell how faithful of a prayer partner they were or the intensity of their prayers. I often share in churches that I don't think that children's prayers are smaller or weaker than the adults and they may even be stronger.

So as we actively recruit prayer partners ..we don't have any restrictions on who you are, your age, health, strength, lanugage abilities ....and so forth. You just need to agree to pray for us once a week [but we encourage you to pray as often as the Lord brings us to mind]


Anonymous said...

Sign me up! I can pray for all of you (and I do) :-)
Send some of that "warm" up here!
We can use it. Ha! Ha!
Lots of Love to all of you!
May God continue to bless the work of your hands. AMEN!

Kris Thede said...

Thanks a bunch. Know you pray for us..and we return the favor.