Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March 2

The Thede Connection blog will be returning to a more random schedule now that the team departed and many day's don't include enough exciting 'news' to blog.

My folks made it home to Michigan yesterday.

In addition to settling back to their normal routine they will be helping to prepare and advise a team from my brother Todd's church who plan to visit us in June.

Gazebo: The floor of the gazebo came together in the last couple of days.

Eli and Anna need to educate their friends about the dangers of running around the gazebo so we can avoid accidents of splitting foreheads and chins on the upper edge.

Nazareth Visit:

Today the school children of the Nazareth Wesleyan school received education on growing banana plants along with a free plant.

Additional plants went home with a few of the church members who came for the distribution.
Cory estimates that close to 150 plants will now bless the community.

The children listened attentively to John Pierre's instructions on proper plant care.

As the school day needed to continue following the distribution many wrote their names on their plant to assure they could pick it up after school.

We pray that the education and plants will benefit many families in the area for generations to come.

Thank you Cory for the great pictures.

1 comment:

The Bronkema Family... said...

I do love these pics! Cole would like to grow one of those plants too =)...too bad our climate might be a smidge too chilly!