Saturday, August 14, 2010

14 Aug. God's Closet.

Grandpa TerAvest's passing the day after he turned 94, Cheryl's [past ECHO intern] death at the hands of the Taliban, my birthday, Eli's countdown to be a teen...all these things this week got me to thinking.

As I get older I find I think more about today as we traveled down the road [14 km = 8.7 miles] 40 minutes to enjoy our Saturday morning on a Caribbean beach I pondered 'stuff'.

Every year I think I realize more that I need less. My list of things I'd like in life grows smaller [especially now that i have a Kindle]

This week also marks the 3 year anniversary of our moving from LaGonave to Fauche. And we moved a lot of stuff. The house came with hardly anything and I knew to host visitors and would not be able to pop in on ex-patriots to borrow anything. I admit that sometimes the stuff my house holds still bothers me a bit.

But today I experienced an epiphany-the stuff in the house I've asked the Lord to use as He sees fit. I acknowledged that the stuff, loosely labeled 'mine' is on loan from Him therefore our home is one of God's Closets.

Our neighbors homes don't have the space to store a bunch of stuff. So when they need tools, ladders, cake pan, blender [cooks made tomato juice for the pastor's meeting once here], a cold place for clinic vaccinations, a quick check of the E-mail--they come to our place.

Ex-pats enjoy our home on visits [they often eat here as we have the only oven on campus]. They also borrow items-kitchen pots, spices, oven, books, fans, raincoat, umbrella, clothes, games, bug spray, tools, and more.

Lord thanks for using us as Your Closet. Help me to remember who REALLY owns this stuff and to share with a loving, open heart. Thank You for sharing with us.


Hilary said...

i like this idea!

Anonymous said...
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The Bronkema Family... said...

Love this. Just love it.