Saturday, July 10, 2010

July 10. Church foundation. New Plants. Oil change

This week the church's foundation grew-both the physical one and the spiritual one. Work bees during the day and special services at night filled the week leading up to tomorrow's Harvest Festival / Celebration.

Not just a church clean up day.

Cory picked up a large load of cargo on Thursday including more banana plants and pineapple plants. As many missionaries in our area leave for the summer months-he was the only person picking up cargo.

Cargo included: diesel generator for the campus, video projector [to enlarge the video ministry] and a movie screen, micropbaby packets, Creole tracts, lawn mower blade, printer [for the campus] and some other stuff.

Personal items for us included chocolate baking powder, ground cinnamon, jerky [Father's Day present] and maple flavoring.

The lightning fried the inverter at the clinic which was running to provide electricity for the church service the night of the storm.

Here a young man who repairs radios takes a look and let Cory know what parts need replacing. Cory will look on-line to see if he can buy the parts.

Oil change-getting ready for the long trip to Port-au-Prince on Monday.

The 'Little Bits of Health Wisdom' book is growing. I received permission to put in parts of a Creole tract. I added 50 or so more points of information.

Please pray that the translators do a good job and that we include useful information that is understandable.

You can see how much bigger the new church is going to be. Parts of the old church wall and floor remain.


Chris and Kath Sloan said...

Nice blog...are you all going to Port? We tried to find maple flavoring in the grocery store the other day since syrup is so expensive! But couldn't find any. The church is looking good! By the time we are able to visit I wonder if it will be complete. Thinking of you guys!

Anonymous said...
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Kris Thede said...

I'd guess that the church will be build before you can visit.

My mom just sent maple flavoring-found it for a good price at a store that sells cake stuff and candy making supplies.

Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

The special taste difference between maple flavoring and pure maple syrup is caused by the special additives. When the sap is being boiled down (approximately 10 gallons of sap for one gallon of syrup) inherently during this process; bugs, ash, bark, leaves, and dirt fall into the sap
If you need help finding any capacitors, diodes, bridge-rectifiers or any of that "radio" stuff, let me know, I have fixed a few of those things myself. ;-)
Have a great day!