Saturday, July 31, 2010

31 July Banana Update

Cory reports that ..
August 17th 2009 shipped to Haiti the same size as this...

Planted in garden in October.
Now stands about 15 feet tall.
Looks to have 12 hands of bananas on it.
Thin skin very sweet banana popular in India, Ceylon.

Youth conference appears to be going well. Cory helped out with the foot race to Port Margot and back by being the support vertical, had a couple of the leadership team and the drinks. He says the police even enjoyed it-they were informed before the race and asked to help out.

Every night the young people have enjoyed a video in French.
School moved along nicely this week despite Eli and mom having head colds. Eli happily dissected a crayfish and completed another unit in Biology. Anna assisted.

Today we expect visitors from Port-au-Prince, the Giles. Anna is looking forward to girls to play with.

I'd like to ask you to pray for me-I've been fighting a head cold and headache all week. Yesterday I started antibiotics for ear pain.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Praying for good health

Anonymous said...

Very sorry about Grandpa