He only took a couple pictures in Port as he didn't have time to grab his camera on the visit to Double Harvest and the agricultural projects.
Paint thinner quickly returned the truck to it's nice white color. Thankfully those protesting the president
The folks on LaGonave are enjoying sapodillas and mulberries from our old yard. Cory received many greetings from many people.
Here is the new hospital entrance.
Cory visited the hospital, the gardens, the market, Mme. Felician's house [please pray for her as her health is not good], and Jean Tiny's house.
Weather-cloudy with occasional sprinkles.
Travel-we have tickets to FL. on Oct. 4th.
School-done for the week. We'll need to pick up the pace a bit to finish the year by Oct.
One day men's conference to be held on the campus tomorrow.
Fun photos, very fancy hospital entrance. Glad it was only paint on the car and those plants look good. We had a delivery of 80 trees and I thought of you and your tree nurseries :)
The kids will be able to laugh at their cousins in Oct...all of this hard work will be worth it!
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