Wednesday, July 14, 2010

14 July

Cory's should be heading to LaGonave today. We talked on the phone last night as he touring the Irvine's new house. He spent the day seeing a couple of Agricultural projects with a team while one of the Port mission drivers took the truck in for the paperwork. As you can guess Cory preferred to let Judan handle the paper work while he talked plants.

Eli, Anna and I continue on with school but we've hit a slump. While we continue to log school hours our speed has slowed with the summer heat. I'm trying not to stress as long as we continue to move forward.

I think once we have an actual date to fly we'll be more motivated. We need a count down.

Eli's counting down: 50 Days until we have a TEENAGER!

The health book translation also hit a slump. Pastor Rigo's days remain to short for all his responsibilities but we've been unable to find someone to work on this project. A couple of new ideas this week-hope to get back on a fast track.

But the delay allows me to rethink and add some topics that I didn't include at first--a good thing. But it also makes the book longer and adds to the translation load!

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