Friday, June 4, 2010

June 4 Family walk delivering banana plants.

The thunder rumbled but no rain yet this afternoon. So we cut school a bit short to help Cory deliver some banana trees to the yardman's garden. Antwan works for the campus, lives across the road, an plays an active roll in the leadership of the Fauche church.

His wife is also in leadership of the church and the Compassion Child Survival Program.

A brisk 7 minutes down the road with many folks asking for banana plants and then we turned up the mountain. Our recent rains turned many parts of the narrow dirt path into rocky mud or just slippery mud. We continued another 20 minutes up the mountain-all shirts soaked through by the time we stopped.

Eli and I rested near the end and let my one muddy sandal dry again so that I'd have a bit of traction going back down hill. We discussed that it would be neat to be on a mountain when the Lord came. Rather than hearing the Voodoo drums ringing through our valley we tried to imaging what it would be like with the rocks and trees clapping and singing praise to our Lord.

Anna and Cory returned to pick up our plants, the camera and get a quick drink.

On the return trip Anna slipped in the mud and her hand landed on a plant with thick but short thorns-thankfully most of them came out with just my fingers. She has a couple broken off tips still under her skin.

Genner spent two mornings mowing the lawn, freeing up some of Cory's time. This hot, moist weather has the weeds growing like weeds.


Anonymous said...
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The Bronkema Family... said...

Ahhh, the weeds are growing like weeds here too! I just took a garden picture and then realized I really should do that AFTER I (no, the kids) pull weeds.

Oh, and I agree, the mountain would be a GREAT place to be!!!