Thankfully the rain held off until Cory returned. He also managed to do a bit of grocery shopping in Cap. Currently thunder and band practice are echoing around the mountain tops. A slight breeze stirs up the 92 degree sun heated air.
Cory planted seeds that arrived in the mail yesterday-exotic tropical fruits with names that I will not even try to spell.
Eli, Anna and I continue to learn many interesting things in school. While kids in the USA complete their school years we reach the 1/2 way point. But no despair, as we plan many fun non-school learning experiences for our time in the States in the fall.
Yeah for non-school educational activities! I hope you are surviving the heat okay. Sounds like a very successful trip to Cap too, especially when you arrive home with everything you picked up !
The kids will be loving it in the fall when their cousins go back to school and they are on vacation!!!
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