Friday, June 25, 2010

25 June College classes-I had no idea.

Last year at this time we only 10 days remained of our trip to the USA.

Yesterday afternoon we received 2 inches of rain in 30 minutes. Cory wishes he had not had the guys spend the morning watering plants. But they needed a drink and the previous cloudy days didn't do it.

Twenty years ago I was a recent college graduate looking at medical school.

I never thought once during my four years of college that I'd someday need knowledge in subjects like genetics, calculus, psychology, statistics, chemistry, physics, art, music, literature ....... because I'd be teaching high school!

With Eli currently taking high school biology and algebra I've been dusting off some of that old knowledge and bringing it back into the light.

I'm thankful that although we live out in the country that the Lord can use me to help provide my kids with a good education that will allow them to attend college someday.

Eli will start full high school classes in January as he continues toward his goal of becoming an mechanical engineer. Anna [5th in Jan.] still has ideas of being a veterinarian but the years of math needed wasn't good news.


Anonymous said...

We understand that rainfall issue. ;-)
Did you see the pictures of our road?

There is a great big world out there with so much to discover. Enjoy that learning experience. ;-)

Anonymous said...
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