Thursday, October 11, 2007

Flexable Celebrations

Growing up one learns that family celebrations can not always occur on the actual holiday date. But to fit in as much fun as possible-you celebrate near or around Christmas or birthdays to share the experience with family and friends.
One year we celebrated Christmas in Haiti with Cory's folks the end of November, with our missionary family in December and Kris's family the end of January. Also some of the gifts were stuck in customs for a while so they came throughout January.
In July, Cory was surprised by his family with a birthday party. They just couldn't let the big day be celebrated without them so we partied 2 1/2 months early.
These kinds of parties are fun but it can make it hard for the kids to learn when the holidays or birthdays really occur. But they think it is great fun to have 3-4 birthday parties a year. More cake and goodies that way. And the presents are spread out over a longer period of time.
Thanks to everyone who sent an E-mail greeting to Cory. We love him dearly. His birthday will be spend driving the kids to school where he will read or work on the computer until school is out. Then return home to Friday-family night. This week he will get to pick the video and we will have birthday cake.
Grandpa and Grandma Thede-thanks for raising such a neat dad and husband. For celebrating with us in July as well as now. We know your thoughts and prayers are with us.

1 comment:

Michelle Acton said...

Thanks for sharing the blog! I had a great time reading all the old posts and look forward to keeping up with you this way!