Monday, October 8, 2007

Fauche Church

Just down the hill from us, near the road is the Fauche Wesleyan church. When we need a day without riding in the truck we attend church here. We generally catch the end of Sunday school since there isn't much of a break between services.

This week was no different-we made it for the Sunday school class reports, the reciting of verses and questions to each class about the lesson.

Then the Pastor stood up with a list of names. As he read each name the person was to stand. At first I thought maybe it was for birthdays since it was the first Sunday in Oct. but soon it was evident that too many were standing.

Once about 30% were standing he asked for prayer for their families and the problems that they were having at home. He said he knew that they were having problems because each one of them had been late in arriving for Sunday school.

He asked that everyone try to help the other people in their homes so that everyone could arrive on time. He was also late because he had been helping out his wife. And finished up about a 5 minute talk again asking for prayer for these select people who were having issues at home.

We don't know if it was because we are missionaries or Americans or because we haven't joined a specific class yet but the Thedes didn't have to stand up.

Because of the late start the Pastor preached very fast. The text was about Adam and Eve and the eating of the forbidden fruit but the rest was lost to us. Eli was amused to see a chicken in the back of church at one point. The chicken was quiet and left after a couple of minutes.

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