Friday, September 14, 2007

The move-part one

  1. First I needed to get the household reduced to boxes, action packers, drums, and milk crates. I'm a list maker so everything was on the list. Tried to keep the stuff down to a minimum-needed, useful for ministry, special personal items but at the end the time pressure got to me. The new place had little in it after 20 years empty.
  2. Everything was then loaded on the trailer and brought down to the boat dock.

3. Load the boat

4. Pray and cross the sea. Four trips total. The last trip was one month ago, Aug. 14th. A few trips we were able to share with cargo needing to go to LaGonave for the hospital so split the cost.

5. Unload the boat. All four trips we had a good crossing so no water damage.

6.The final trip we then waited at the wharf for the big truck to come. Cory had already taken a load up North in the spring. At dusk the big truck made it and we loaded by flashlights. [Sorry no photo.] Some of the boxes and containers [so carefully packed] were unloaded and the contents put in small spaces between furniture.
7. Finished loading the big truck at 10 pm so we camped out in the WISH vehicle. Cory chose to sleep on the wharf under the stars. Despite our clever net draping we had a few mosquitoes to keep us company.

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