Pastor Dan and Joy serve as our area directors, field mission directors, teammates and friends!
Holly assists them.
They arrived on Wednesday in time for lunch and in time to visit a few minutes with a small group of visitors who came for a very short visit to campus.
We enjoyed meeting one of the new MAF pilots and a USA business man and welcoming GP team members Pastor Greg [first time visit to Fauche] and Pastor Carl.
[Report from Port-au-Prince is that the older volleyball teams from Fauche are doing well!]
On Thursday we talked a lot and fit in a long garden walk in the afternoon.
Friday some of the district pastor's attended English class with Joy and held meetings.
Yesterday afternoon Cory loaded their truck with plants and trees for their place by the sea.
Recent rains greened up our area and we celebrate with the dry areas of Haiti also enjoying some needed rains but saddened to hear reports of flooding damage in other areas.
After a month without French lessons we restarted this week-reviewing the books of the Bible while adding new vocabulary lists of grocery story, weather, animals, and transportation.
Our teacher also restarted the last bit of editing needed for the health book revision and Cory started to proof it too!
Timber bamboo growing nicely and look who found an underwater home in one of them! If you look hard you can just make out the frog-he's facing toward the right.
What kind of bamboo are you grow?
Shown is Dendrocalamus acer and D nigra, from ORE in Cayes. We also have from the govt. run nursery at Marmelade: Bambusa hamiltoni but it grows larger than what I have seen in Florida, D. latiflora, thorny Guadua angustifolia, Phylostaches makinoi, B vulgaris, yellow stripe B. vulgaris.
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