Tuesday, February 3, 2009

3 Feb. 09

Another busy day-

Electric wiring worked on in the small house. Windows and inside doors measured for curtains. Curtains started. Ceiling hardboard painted for the second time. Roof work continued.

House of Hope outside door painted, inside closet door made and painted.

Tool shed foundation put in.

Bookshelf and small tables varnished for second time.

School work done, cooking completed and enjoyed.

English class-14 present as we discussed Presidential Inaugurations, English numbers and some words that they didn't know the meanings.

E-mails read. Plants looked at and watered. Pictures of sick plants taken.

Cory picked up mail, went shopping for supplies [5 stops for paint and he only found 3 1/2 gallons]


Kathleen said...

Hey Thedes!
Just wanted to say, thanks (to you and your team) for all the work you are doing on that little house...it's really exciting to think that we will be living there so soon. We are starting to work on Creole this week--hopefully we can pick it up a little at least :) Well just wanted to say hello, enjoy your time with visitors! talk to you soon,
Love, Kathleen

Kris Thede said...

Your welcome. So how are you planning on learning Creole-a class, someone local or a book? Cory is working on your budget-think it would be interesting to plan a wedding while raising support. Thanks for the note. Have a great week. Thede family