Saturday, October 29, 2022

Last of October

 Sunday on our way to church we enjoyed watching this little guy cross the road. 

We made sure he was out of the way of cars before continuing.

Had it been on the way back from church I know we would have been greatly tempted to transport him to our back yard!

Fritz and I completed our 11th week of school this week so we are very close to 1/3 done with 6th grade. 

A few sprinkles of rain and cloudy mornings raise hopes that the rainy season will begin soon.

So enjoying seeing clouds again!!!

In chapel the Bible students are reminded to prepare their gardens and a few of them are helping Cory to put up the fences, both the chicken fence to go around the garden area and a much larger cattle fence that will encircle the field where the trees will be planted. 

We thankfully did not need to travel anywhere this week as our bodies needed to recover from almost 3 days of continuously sitting the in the truck.

We celebrated Fritz's life!

Can't put into words what he means to us. 

We taught the students on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons covering: stroke, headaches, ENT topics, gardening and then diabetes, malaria, HIV and field crops.

I worried a bit about talking about damage caused by loud noise, trying to clearly express my love of African/Haitian music and worship with my concerns about the volume damaging hearing.

When the topic was emphasized in Chapel on Friday by President Roy it gave me a measure of relief and proved that he's hearing about our classes. 

Hard to believe that only three weeks of lecture remain before Final's week and that November arrives next week.

The countdown for Eli's December visit started with his ticket purchase as did my starting to enjoy Christmas music. 

I can't really imagine what Thanksgiving or Christmas will look like here but know that my tumbled up feelings will continue as they do daily depending on my focus. 

Thankfulness for all of God's blessings in my life and deep sorrow for the suffering of so many in this world mixed in with so many other feelings that bubble to the surface of my life throughout my thoughts during the day to day activities. 

So thankful we don't need to pause or go through any real motions to talk to our Heavenly Father.

We just need to turn our thoughts to Him, His constant unconditional love and access is comforting to me. His peace, hope, power, wisdom He shares willingly when I ask and focus, trust and obey.

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