Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Three days of focused prayer.

We are joining our missionary teammates in asking all our support team and prayer partners to join together for focused prayer for Haiti this week on Oct. 15, 16, 17th. 

We’ve heard of a Haitian pastor who traveled to many towns throughout Haiti for weeks asking churches to join together [at least one in each town] to pray from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the 16th.

We’ve also heard that the current round of protests will continue until the 17th, or that there may be a day or two of calm between, but many rumors fly back and forth.

* For peaceful and rapid resolution of the political situation
* For a fresh start for Haiti
* For the president and police, both are very difficult and dangerous jobs now
* For justice and the truth heard
* That unbelieving Haitians be drawn to Jesus and to a personal relationship with Him
* That Haitian believers be encouraged by the Lord Himself through these difficult days
* For safety and personal needs of missionaries on the field be met
* For needs of mission workers and their families at Ortlip, Delice and LaGonave - food, safety, health.
* That the hospital employees  and doctors on La Gonave would be able to meet the needs of their patients. 
* That the nursing school would be able to remain open
* Fuel to be found for the hospital generators and that they run well
* For the return of peace, for calm and safety on the streets
* That the Lord would be glorified through these days
* For wisdom to know the Lord’s will for all believers: especialy if and when to travel.
* For missionaries, their families and Haitian families during this hard time, especially those that are separated 
* For wisdom deciding if we should  stay or leave: considering the difficulty of travel, safety, getting supplies, payroll, fuel

Thank you for joining us. 

Cory, Kris & FritzlinThree

1 comment:

Missus Wookie said...

Holding you all in the light.