Friday, August 17, 2018

Eli's Camp Blog and A Few Days of Family Vacation at Grandparent's Cottage

So mom decided that the blog is so popular when Anna writes maybe the guys should try writing for once.

I'll leave the cottage part for Dad and give an overview of my summer at Camp Beechpoint.

 As a cabin leader I would work with another cabin leader to take care of 7-9 boys for a week(Sunday 5pm to Friday 4pm). Every week would mean a new 'co' to work with and a new batch of kids, many of whom are high risk.

Some kids are amazing, they love camp, they love interacting with the other kids, and they listen when you tell them something. Then there are kids who decide you should be their arch-nemesis because their guardian thought camp was a good way to get rid of them for a week and made that very clear.

My best week, only three of the nine kids could speak English well. Even when you're not at war with a rebel you are still responsible for eight or so normal pre-teen boys. You need to keep them safe, keep an eye on the schedule for activities and meals, get to know each one personal if possible, interact with the good kids instead of only watching the trouble makers, etc.

 Volunteer child care should be mandatory for all teens in any country. There will be fewer kids, and the people who do dare have kids will have a better idea what they are doing.

Working with the strong Christian staff was amazing, and I hope that at least some of those friendships last. But with all the good-bye I've said as a missionary kid it's hard keeping those ties, because sometimes its easier forgetting they exist than to miss them when they are gone.

I learned a lot about praying and reading the Bible even when your under lots of pressure, and God provides just what you need when you need it. Was considering quitting after a hard week when God let me blow off some steam. I never knew fire breathing could be therapeutic.

WARNING: I did this with someone who grew up in a circus and is an expert, do not try at home.

The cottage time this week provided a restful few days of enjoying family and the lake.

We celebrated Kris' 50th birthday, walked and rode around the lakes, swam, sailed, Fritz and Anna rode the water board, Cory and Anna swam across the lake and back while Eli escorted in the rowboat.


Holmes family said...

"Volunteer child care should be mandatory for all teens in any country. There will be fewer kids, and the people who do dare have kids will have a better idea what they are doing." This made me laugh, Eli! So true! Good job surviving camp. :)

Unknown said...

You did a great job Eli! We have never met but I've been praying for your mom and dad and your family for some time. I knew both your mom and your dad before they were married when your mom came to visit your Dad in Brazil. Your comment about teenagers needing to do childcare which would reduce the child population or at least they would know what they were doing if they decide to have a kid was very very funny. And spot-on