Monday, July 30, 2018

2018 Road trip..slightly filtered. Anna guest blogger.

Hey, this is Anna, and my mom asked me to write something for the blog.

We are on our NY/PE trip, which we take like, every 4 years. We are only two nights in, so not to much has happened. We left Michigan at 1/4 till 9, (not the driver)... and finally stopped to visit with some friends who used to live on LaGonave. We then went to another couple's place to stay the night, who were very nice and had lots of good food, including an unhealthily delicious breakfast (including the cake left over from the night before heh heh). {Thank you Don and Angie}

Next we headed out for Sandy Lake Wesleyan Church, where Mom spoke and we got to listen to the sermon.  {Always good to worship with good music and to be able to listen to the sermon. Fritzlin enjoyed children's church}

We went out for lunch, though we weren't particularly hungry after the breakfast. And then we drove to a friend/past missionary's house to stay the night. We went out to Mexican for supper, only got three plates to split between the four of our family, and still ended up stuffed and needing a carton for the extras...and people wonder why missionaries gain weight while in America? Hospitality & sitting in a car. That is why. Everyone keeps telling me to beware the Freshman 15... I might loose weight just from not sitting and being fed so well.

  That night, after Fritz went to bed, we watched The Gods must be crazy II, a great movie which is very popular amongst missionaries for some reason. I was personally unable to breath, and tearing up from laughter at certain parts. Carol even gifted us the movie, so we will be watching it again...

This morning we had fun with her parrot Sammy, who was fascinated by my ace-wrapped foot. (For those of you who don't know, I sprained my ankle)

{Today we plan to visit a museum and wander our way north a bit where we will be visiting Brookside Wesleyan Church for supper and sharing. Sorry for the lack of pictures..will try harder. Kris}

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