Over our house door she painted 'Lakay Elim'. "Lakay Elim" means house of trees and is named after an oasis that Moses stopped at with the children of Israel.
Since we knew we were moving I've been thinking about what this house or station should be named.
LaGonave and Fauche stations reflect the name of the town/village where they are located.
The Ortlip Center was named after a missionary family who served many years.
I pondered many ideas while painting and working on the house. I've prayed about it during the weeks and months of developement.
A name reflecting descriptions: mountains, rocks, views, ridges - verses minstry type names....? Something that points to the Lord or to what our goals on earth should be?An acronim? Something short or long? Something that could be used with a new mailing address or separate?
I thought about a poll or contest but many of you have not seen the location or been here to visit.
It came to me during the team from Canada. We knew sadly that they would have little time or oportunity to interact with the Haitain people as they were focused on our house project.
We hope that they will have an oportunity to return and exerperence the best part of Haiti...her people.
We tried to emphasize and express our gratitude to the team and asked them to pass it along to their families and others who suppored the trip and the project.
Various meanings of Blessing:
- God's favor and protection/help and approval;
- a benifical thing in which one is grateful;
- a thing conducive to happiness/welfare or bringing well-being;
- a person's support;
- approval, encouragement;
- the act of words of one who blesses
Synonyms or realted words:
- benediction, delight [Delice also means-something giving pleasure; delicacy]
- grace, mercy
- intercession, asking God's favor for
- petition
- prayer
- aid, assistance, help, relief, support
- comfort, consolation
- sanctification
- to dedicate to God
Bless the name of the Lord: praise, worship, glorify, honor, exalt, reverence, magnify...our ultimate goals as followers of Christ.
Being able to look down at Port-au-Prince, Cabaret, the southern and northern mountains and pray, interceding for those living in the areas - a blessing.
How the Lord has provided for the project in funding, supplies, and people to help pray and build. Meeting new friends and feeling the support of many- a blessing. We dedicate the house, the land, our work, our lives, time and energy to the Lord.
Our goal to support the national church, in time, through developement of the land to a productive, profitable farm - a blessing.
And a reminder of the goal...to be a blessing to others and the Lord.
1 comment:
LOVE it!
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